October 2024

Revelation 12 sign

Welcome to The Pathway to Heaven

Welcome to The Pathway to Heaven

The purpose of this site is not new, however, this channel is meant to encourage believers in Christ and non-believers to look past the common and mundane reasons for being prepared for the rapture. Christians need to understand the connection between the Hebrew bible or Old Testament, and the new testament of Christ. Everyone needs to understand that the Rapture is not and never was intended to be described as “Imminent”. Prophesies of the old the testament happened when the bible said they were supposed to happen (IE: Jews returning to their land in 1948). When God intended to punish his people for sin and disobedience, he always sent someone or some sign to warn them to repent first. When God told Noah he would destroy the earth with water, and man had 120 years left; that is when it happened, and it was not imminent! The birth and death of the messiah (Jesus) was given by Daniel in the Old Testament, and Jesus was born and died when God told Daniel it was intended to happen to the day.

This site will clear up a few misconceptions about the end of days. Many people say that “God is the same today, yesterday, and forever”. However, if you tell them that the rapture will happen soon, the say “No one knows the day or the hour, or The lords coming as a thief in the night”. They don’t want to look for thru understanding of these quotes from the scriptures. If God always warned his people in the Old Testament about coming punishment, why would he leave us hanging out to dry today if he is the same today, yesterday, and forever? Did God just decide to change the way he does things? or are we just afraid to face the truth?